The Daily + This Sunday!
Good morning, Immanuel. Our Lord Jesus would not have us walk through life haunted by the scent of our failures.
“The servant girl at the door said to Peter, ‘You also are not one of this man’s disciples, are you?’ He said, ‘I am not’” (John 18:17).
It was night when the apostle Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. Peter was in the High Priest’s courtyard. Jesus was being interrogated just yards away. And we’re told in John 18:18 that Peter was warming himself by a charcoal fire.
We all know that a charcoal fire has a distinct smell. And because scent is tied strongly to memory, it’s reasonable to think that for Peter, the smell of a charcoal fire might have triggered painful memories in later years—were it not for the grace of Jesus.
We can add that caveat with confidence because the only other place in the New Testament where a charcoal fire is mentioned is three chapters later in John 21:9, and the resurrected Jesus himself lit that fire. Only this time, it was not night. It was morning. And Peter was not denying Jesus. He was breakfasting with Jesus, receiving healing precisely where he most needed it, around a charcoal fire.
Our Lord Jesus would not have us walk through life haunted by the scent of our failures.
This Sunday At Immanuel
Sunday Morning…
SUNDAY WORSHIP: Join us for our 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. services as Immanuel’s Pastor Sam Allberry continues our series in Revelation: The Light of Christ in the Life of the Church.
Keep up with the sermon series on our YouTube channel here.
Seminars (Check out the latest updates)…
9 am: Studying the Bible Together, led by Dr. Tom Cox in the Cafe (continues through the summer).
9 am: No Russell Moore Seminar (summer break). Join us again in August for Last Word: The Gospel of Christ in the Book of Revelation.
9 am: No Student Seminar (summer break). Join us again in August!
Tenth Generation…
60 DAYS OF PRAYER PODCAST—Our new 60 Days of Prayer Podcast is a daily podcast to help us pray through June and July as we seek a long-term home in Nashville. Check it out on our Podcast here or on YouTube. Learn more about our unrepeatable opportunity at
Thank you Lord 🙏🏼