
The Tears of Jesus

Good morning Immanuel. The one who does not fear death weeps with those who do.

"Jesus wept." John 11:35

These two words deserve to stand apart and give us pause. The one who is the resurrection and the life wept. The one who knew how secure Lazarus really was in the grave wept. The one who delayed his coming two days so he could raise him from the dead still wept.


Because the one who is most alive feels most deeply the decay of this world. The one who is most happy hates most deeply the despair that death causes to those whom he loves. We may think that because Jesus is the resurrection and the life, he must be looking at our trembling and thinking, "Get over it already. I'm the resurrection in the life, for Pete's sake!" But no, his posture toward us is exactly the opposite. He who does not fear death weeps with those who do. He who shares none of our fears shares all of our griefs because he knows that even though our griefs are temporary, they are griefs nonetheless. He is for us in our grief.

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